Sunday, June 24, 2012

USMLE War Jounral: 1 Day Until Test Day

Last week I tried to make a video post since it was my last week at home.  Obviously, that didn't work so I am back to the tried and true written word. 

Saturday I came up to my parents house since my test is in Strongsville.  I did not get much done (as anticipated) but I get all of today to myself to casually just review stuff.  It has not started great, however.  See, for the past couple years, I actually do not sleep in my old room at my parents because I seem to get a real bad sinus allergy.  The pillows are different than the other ones in the house and I think that I am allergic to something in them.  True enough, I woke up real early today to sneeze.  I could not use the guest room last night because my brother's girlfriend and her siblings came over on their way back home (they live quite far from where my parents' home).  I have never been woken up by allergies before and I hope I can get the basement to myself tonight.

Because tomorrow is the big one.  Various movie quotes from before epic battles have been running through my head.  I cannot wait to be done.  My plan afterwards is to walk over to the sports bar next to the testing center and eat hearty.  And drink beer, too.  After that, July will be mine. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

USMLE War Journal: 15 Days Until Test Day

At this point, my fellow medical students and I have been out of classes for about 19 days (which seems unbelievable).  This week I noticed a lot of my colleagues starting to wear down but many seemed to have anticipated this and cope in their own ways. 

Here are two more sketches from the past couple weeks.

This first one is my version of my school's old logo.  Since my school has changed its name and logo I really do not think (and hope) that there are any problems with me posting this.  At the very least, I have only good things to say.  I was a really big fan of the old logo from a graphic design standpoint.  Symbolically, it told you every thing you needed to know about my school.  Like any good logo it had seen some slight changes throughout its use but it was still recognizeable.  Mine does the same in making some slightly different design choices.

This second one is a sketch of the superhero Dr. Mid-nite after the famous painting The Doctor by Luke Fildes, which I have wrote about before.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Step 1 Art: My Tribute to the Original Orignal Green Lantern and his Children

This is the first of many just-for-fun sketches I've done in my spare time to do something creative during Step 1 studying.  There's quite a bit into why I decided to draw the characters I did.  A couple days ago, DC Comics announced that in his new incarnation, Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, would be gay.  As a big fan of Alan Scott and the JSA in general, this has been one of the most bothersome of the changes at DC Comics. 

It's not that I have anything against gay people.  In fact, I have many gay friends and I am a fan of many gay fictional characters.  As a matter of fact, Todd Rice aka Obsidian, Alan Scott's son (the blue guy on the left) is an openly gay character from the old DC.   

What bothers me is DC's discarding of Alan Scott's rich, albeit more obscure, 70-year-history as a DC character and the work of the writers and artists that helped make that happen all for what is nothing more than a publicity stunt.  In the preceding weeks before the announcement, DC teased that they were making an "iconic" character gay and there was much speculation on who this might be with names like Tim Drake (one of Batman's Robins) and Wonder Woman thrown around.  But when it was annouced that Alan Scott was the character that was coming out many including myself have felt it is the king of all cop outs.  Sure he is a Green Lantern but he's only really known in comic circles these days so most people are probably just as confused when it was announced that Miles Morales, a Afro-Hispanic-American, would be the new Ultimate Spider-Man. 

While I do appreciate DC trying to be progressive, it feels that the LGBT movement has been undermined to generate more publicity for itself (a common theme lately).  I doubt sales this week will be that much more increased or gay readers will be more drawn to DC titles.  So the victims of this little marketing ploy?  Just the original Alan Scott and, until some comic book universe tweaking occurs, his kids Obsidian and Jade.  If you knew the old Alan Scott, you probably enjoyed that everything about him was old.  I mean, his costume for most of his history has been a red shirt tucked into green pants with a cape!  However, the other DC characters respected him as a veteran.  He represented that Golden Age morality that is impossibly forthright and good and survived for 70 years despite the changing of the times.  And maybe it's appropriate that such a character is retired now but I really would rather he was still around. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

USMLE War Journal: 22 Days Until Test Day

Well this last week started off great and by great I mean I had a low-grade fever for three days.  Next time I am going straight to acetaminophen.  NSAIDs just wouldn't keep the temperature down long enough.  It was not really a preference thing - I was just hoping to treat myself with whatever I had laying around the house.  On day three, I gave in and went to go buy some acetaminophen. 

This is exactly the sort of unexpected thing I anticipated when I built in leeway in my schedule.  There were times where I couldn't power through anymore and had to lay down.  It seemed the more I tried to do board studying, the higher my temperature got.  What made it worse was I had terrible sleep those nights.  I got up every two hours it seemed.  Unable to exercise due to illness, I found myself a little depressed from not having some kind of non-academic outlet.  Watching TV is a little too passive for me and sometimes I am not in the mood to read (although I did read a ton of comics while sick).  The past couple days, I started drawing again, mostly superheroes.  I am not a a particularly amazing artist or anythign like that.  My own honest assessment of my own work is that it is a slightly above average amateurish style.  But it did give me something to do.  When I finish my first one I might upload it.  My second one is my own take of a classic medical painting.