Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why Studying for Boards is Going to be so Much Better Than Studying for Classes

These are the changes I am welcoming in about a month (yikes!)

1.  I can stay home.  My spending on gas is going to be at least half of what it is now. 

2.  I can keep things interesting.  Usually I am mentally checked out after about the second or third hour of lecture unless a really good lecturer is going to talk.  I definitely plan to go through multiple subjects daily so that I don't get tired of the same subject all day.

3. My leather chair at home is a million times more comfortable than anything I ever sit on at school.  'Nuff said.

4. Dr. Edward F. Goljan.  Do I really need to explain this one?

5. My one job everyday is going to be studying for boards.  All other demands on my time are going to be suspended and my purpose is going to be singular... sexy. 


  1. Its true! this is a funny meme lol

  2. The subject in the health line of work well-known as Gastroenterology is a large and very vital specialty in the realm of medicine.
